
The Science Cycle includes questions, hypotheses, experiments, observations, and conclusions.

Social Science could be more challenging than other areas of science. I think the major reason might be that Social Science cannot measure by numbers. For example, Biomedical Science often uses mass for the data and it is measurable. Social Science often includes satisfaction, and there is no rule to measuring satisfaction because it is always different among different individuals.

As a Data Scientist, I like to collect data and analyze it, and I have been doing lots of projects. Although I have done many projects, doing Social Science data is really hard. It is always so hard to define the values, so I could never find a way to find out if my project is going right. Although there is no way for me to tell if they are correct, I still think doing these kinds of projects is necessary. It is necessary because people can understand concepts more by numbers.

If there is something I could make a project for Social Science, I will want to make a survey about how the parents of gay people think about their LGBT kids, and I also want to see if how those LGBT people are treated by their parents will cause any effect. I have this idea because I believe the feeling cannot be controled, but we can control how we treat them. If we can treat them nicely, they may still have good lives just like us.

The input will be the type of LGBT, how they are threated, and the type of the family. Those inputs still need more consideration about how to measure them. The results could be if they commit crimes, types of family they are living, education, and income. The results could be more measurable. I hope to find some people who would like to make this project with me.

In my opinion, we really have to be more aware of all of the research about LGBT even if they are published by an authorized professors or well-known people. I believe none of the Social Science studies is flawless. To me, LGBT could be a very sensitive topic. People could be nice to us and give us some data, but there might be lots of fake data among them.

How could we define the comparison for my project idea? Another hard thing is how we could find the sample. There are some reasons. First, when they find out their sexual orientation. In my experience, most of the people I know who are LGBT found out after their teenage or even marriage. Although LGBT has been becoming more acceptable, it is still hard to let people know their sexual orientation. It someone is really interested in doing this project with me, we may still need more time when they become acceptable enough. We will also have to specify the race because we have to be aware of the cultural aspects.

In the end, I want to mention the single-mother family with LGBT. In this real world, it is really hard for a single mother to raise a family. While I was a missionary, I met some single mothers who were lesbian. Maybe this kind of situation is rare, so it may be considered that the sample size is fairly small, but I have to say their living conditions were not good. if a kid is LGBT in single mother family, Noemally the mother could not help the kids a lot due to the family situation. To the end I just want to say that no matter what situation it is, just give the support and let them feel love.


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